For the month of January they also donated their profits up to $10k to Common Cause who B&J describes as a nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy organization founded as a vehicle for citizens to make their voices heard in the political process. They are committed to honest, open and accountable government, as well as encouraging citizen participation in democracy. Their Education Fund conducts research, education, and outreach activities.
Not surprisingly, Common Cause leads the charge in trying to censor conservatives in the disguise of a champion of free speech. But that is a subject for a future post. Today's Sundae School is a collection of suggested Obama inspired ice cream flavors that have cropped up around the blogsphere.
In Honor of the 44th President of the United States, Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has issued a new flavor, Barocky Road.Barocky Road is a blend of half Vanilla, half Chocolate, and surrounded by Nuts and Flakes. The Vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The Nuts and Flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow.
Cost is $100.00 per scoop. When purchased, it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but then the Ice Cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you. Thus you are left with an empty wallet, no change, holding an empty cone, with no hope of getting any Ice Cream. Aren’t you feeling stimulated?
Apparently, there really is (or was) a Baracky Road ice cream. M-LIVE -- Looking for a way to boost the economy, honor the president and have a sweet treat too? Try some Baracky Road Gelato. The product, made by Zingerman's Creamery in Ann Arbor, was launched in January in honor of President Barack Obama's inauguration. It arrived this week at Kalamazoo's Food Dance restaurant and market, 401 E. Michigan Ave., where it sells for $7.59 for 12 ounces.
Redistribution Ripple: Cost: $0.00 (Obama will just take it outta your paycheck and give you back as much change as he thinks you need)
Vanilla Granny Chunk: Chunk-Granny-under-the-bus vanilla ice milk. Tastes like empty words and awards that feel good but don’t have any substance.
Chocolate/Vanilla Marbled Marxist
Tuitty-Fruitty, Empty Suity
Sweet Revenge: Turns sour in the mouths of conservatives.
Transformation Treat: A chocolate/vanilla swirl that moves to the left of the bowl and transforms into dark chocolate after you scoop it.
Moonbat Berry Barry: It’s a concoction of black and red berries, mixed nuts, and white chocolate with acorn paste and other undisclosed nuances.
Long and Winding Baracky Road
Green and Red Ice Scream
Barack Appease-Mint
Climate Changin Cold Cup
Barack Obama Royale
Messiahmallow Mash: A confection of empty calories with a caramel and gooey honey base mixed with ample chunks of fudge, gummy bears, and pretzels; finished off with swirls of soft marshmallows and more fudge. Unbearably sweet and pleasing to the eye with zero nutritional value.OsamaObama Berry: Blackberry and Blueberry (color of your checkbook after Obama gets through with it), Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Hazlenuts and Walnuts (for the Nuts on the left), swirled with Fudge and Honey (for fudging the budget and smooth as honey sweet talking)
Baracky Rumbama: Combination of Baracky Road and Butter Rum. Available with extra rum for those suffering through yet another Obama speech.
ObamananaRama: Drive-you-bananas cream mixed with white and milk chocolate chunks, cashew (use to have) nuts, topped with wake-up-the-liberals coffee syrup.
Kennedy-King Krunch: A swirl of 1960 Kennedy vanilla & Martin Luther King chocolate that will leave you dreaming about all you can do for your country.
Platitudalicious: Kool-aid flavored concoction that will make you faint, or cry, or maybe both.
Phony Balony: Doesn’t taste at all like it sounds.
Speeches & Scream in a Waffle Cone
Changing Chocolate Chip
Audacity of Hopeless
Yes We Candy
Barackadamia Nut
Empty Suit Sundae
Moonbat Moonpie
Honey Nut Obamio
Chocolate Nation Supreme
Change Hope & Chocolatey
Change Our Souls Sherbert
Surrender ‘n’ Cream
GOP Landslide Lemon Sherbet
Non-Victory Nutty Ice Cream
Rainbow Messiah: 99% spun air and coloring.
Honey B. Hussein
Platitudes and Pralines
Chicago Chocolate Crush.
Tangerine Trilateral: tastes so good, you think you are in a "New World"
Piggy Pelosi: pork flavored premium ice cream with little chunks of "earmarks"
Bilderberg and Blueberry: secretly delicious
Stimulus Sherbet: favorite among illegal aliens and those with "Entitlement" mentality
Acorn Sherbet: fraudulently delicious!
Apples and Ayers: explosive green apple flavor!!
Lemon-Lime Lefty-Liberal: bitter taste
Rasberry Rahm: tastes like raspberries and Texas Pete
Grape Geitner: looks and tastes good, but gives you the "runs"
John McCain is like a bunch of brussel sprouts that came out of the vending machine. You didn’t ask for it, you didn’t want, you really don’t want to eat it, but it’s better for you than the alternatives.Hillary Clinton on the other hand is Cod liver Oil. It doesn’t sound good, it doesn’t taste good, it’s of questionable health value, but for some reason, someone’s always recommending it to you.
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